GDPR Data Protection statement for those seeking information and/or applying for admission

This Data Protection Statement (“policy statement”) provides information about why personal information is being requested from you and how it will be used by 十大彩票平台技术社区学院. This policy statement is provided in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”) issued by the European Union (“EU”) and effective on May 25, 2018. The GDPR protects the personal information of EU citizens and residents and provides a single set of rules for international businesses and organizations, 包括处理这些数据的高等教育机构. The GDPR applies exclusively to the processing of “personal information” that is obtained from you while you are physically located in an EU member state, 不论你的国籍或国籍. The GDPR does not apply to personal information obtained from you when you are located outside of the EU.

1. 什么是“个人信息”?

“Personal information” means any information which relates to or identifies you as an individual including, 但不限于, 名字, 电子邮件, 电话号码, IP地址, 照片, 和教育, 金融, 有关, 健康数据.

2. “处理”个人信息是什么意思?

处理是指对个人信息进行的任何操作, 比如收集, 破坏, 记录, 组织, 存储, 改变, 或披露.

3. 哪些个人信息将被处理?

The 大学 will process the information you provide when you request additional information from the 大学 and/or submit your admission application together with the supporting documents requested to complete your application.

4. 处理的目的和法律依据是什么?

The 大学 will process your personal information for the purposes of identifying you, 处理您的信息请求或入学申请, 验证所提供的信息, 做出录取决定, 并传达结果和/或其他反馈. The 大学 may also process your information for the following statutory obligations, 合约需要及/或公共利益目的:

  • 确认移民身份;
  • 支持平权行动和平等机会监督;
  • 防止或侦查欺诈或其他犯罪活动;
  • 确认中小学学历;
  • 协助为残疾人士提供合理的便利;
  • To provide information as required by applicable law; and
  • For research and statistical purposes, but only in a non-identifiable, aggregate format.

Admission decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and are not the result of automated decision-making.

5. 谁将处理我的个人信息?

为上述目的, during the admission process your personal information will be processed by and shared with the following:

  • 招生办公室;
  • 学生财务服务办公室;
  • 学生服务办公室;
  • 注册处;
  • 残疾人服务(如有住宿要求);
  • 制度研究;
  • 学生及交流访问学者计划指定学校官员;
  • 法律规定的政府机构;
  • State authorities in order to perform one or more statutory duties; and
  • 向学院或代表学院提供特定服务的第三方.

The 大学 may subsequently identify other departments or external parties who will process your personal information as you progress through the application process.

6. 如果我被录取,我的个人信息将如何使用?

Once you are accepted and begin attending the 大学 your personal information is no longer covered by the GDPR. 作为学院的学生, your personal information shall be processed in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), a U.S. 联邦法律. 要了解您在FERPA下的权利,请访问 十大彩票平台学生记录页面. 如果你被学院录取的只是在线课程或项目, and you remain in an EU member state while participating in the course or program, the GDPR shall continue to apply to the processing of your personal information.

7. 我如何访问我的个人信息?

You have the right to access the personal information that is held about you by the 大学. You also have the right to ask the 大学 to correct any inaccurate personal information it holds about you. In order to access your personal information, 请联系 the Registrar’s office at 413-755-4321.

8. 我的个人资料会保存多久?

The 大学 shall retain and store personal information in accordance with applicable U.S. 州和联邦法律. 如果你被录取了, your personal information will be kept as part of your student record for the duration of your studies and, 在适用情况下, 之后规定的一段时间. 如果你失败了, your information will be normally kept for at least 7 years after the completion of the application process.

9. 如果我有任何问题,我可以联系谁?

如对本政策声明有任何疑问, 学院对GDPR的遵守, 或处理您的个人信息, 请联系 学生事务副校长办公室413-755-4402.

10. 如何举报投诉?

如果你对你的信息被处理的方式不满意, 或附上学院的回复, 建议您联系 学生事务副校长办公室413-755-4402 如需进一步协助. 如果学校没有充分解决你的问题, you also have a right to file a complaint with the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education at:

11. 政策声明更新?

本政策声明发表于一九七四年 2018年5月. 如有必要,将至少每年对其进行审查. 政策的任何变更将公布在学院的网站上.